Territories - Secondary 2

Student Book
Auteur(s) Laurin Suzanne

The text is structured to highlight the issues, contradictions and opposing viewpoints about the use of territory in a given society. Students are appealed to, page after page, in the text itself and through comments in the margins, added notes and a multitude of questions scattered throughout the book.
ISBN13 9782761324434
108,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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The text is structured to highlight the issues, contradictions and opposing viewpoints about the use of territory in a given society. Students are appealed to, page after page, in the text itself and through comments in the margins, added notes and a multitude of questions scattered throughout the book. The goal is to encourage students to think, to form opinions and to debate and discuss issues, using geographical concepts - in other words, to build their own learning.

Student Book 2 is divided into six units:

  • Unit 1-Will Metropolises Take Over the World?
  • Unit 2-Native Territory: Redrawing the Map?
  • Unit 3-Forestry: Can There Be Use Without Overuse?
  • Unit 4-Can Industry Coexist with a Healthy Population and Environment?
  • Unit 5-Energy Under Pressure: A Shortage in the Making?
  • Unit 6-Environments at Risk: Can Farming Adapt?

Each unit is divided into several parts. The first part usually explains the general concepts covered in the unit. Each specific territory is then featured in its own distinct part. The last part, entitled "Making connections," encourages students to draw conclusions on the relevant issues by analyzing a text on a related subject.

Each unit concludes with a series of features, which are often the basis for supplementary activities.

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