The Connections CD contains all audio materials found within the Student Book units.
Why Choose the Connections CD?
· The Connections CD seamlessly complements the Student Book, creating a harmonious blend of print and audio resources for a comprehensive educational experience.
The Connections CD containsall audio materials found within the Student Book units.
Why Choose theConnections CD?
·The Connections CD seamlessly complements the Student Book, creating a harmonious blend of print and audio resources for a comprehensive educational experience.
Why Choose the Connections Series?
Connections does more than teach English. It allows students to develop their communication skills in order to connect with others in personal, academic and workplace environments. The series is designedwithstudent outputattheheart ofthelearningprocess, through a task-based approach for allfourskills, as well as grammar and vocabulary acquisition.Geographically and culturally neutral,Connectionscan be used byany English learner around the world,no mattertheir mother tongue.Learn more here!