Numbers 2nd Edition - Grade 4
Answer Key A/B with Digital Didactic Set - Teacher (12-month)
Answer keys and a vast array of practical resources! This product includes the following components:
Workbook A Answer Key
Workbook B Answer Key
Numbers Reference Book
5 "I Solve a Problem" activities (in separate booklets)
TEACHER Digital Package (12-month)
The Answer Key comes in the same format as the student workbook but includes the answers to the activities.
Answer keys and a vast array of practical resources!
This product includes the following components:
- Workbook A Answer Key
- Workbook B Answer Key
- Numbers Reference Book
- 5 "I Solve a Problem" activities (in separate booklets)
- TEACHER Digital Package (12-month)
The Answer Key comes in the same format as the student workbook but includes the answers to the activities.
Digital resources to diversify your teaching and spark your students' learning!
Now available in our user-friendly platform i+ Interactive, the digital package offers teachers even greater possibilities for the math classroom.
In addition to the fully interactive workbooks, the teacher's digital package also offers you the following:
- simpler classroom management by having all the teaching materials you need in one place
- the ability to present all the content on your classroom board (online) and interact with it using integrated tools (pencil, highlighter, notes, etc.)
The teacher's section includes the following:
- a wide variety of resources that are sure to motivate your students, such as interactive games and mental arithmetic quizzes (with audio recordings)
- weekly planning charts (one section per week)
- teacher's documents for the "I Solve a Problem" activities, to guide students step by step in their problem solving
- a vast bank of cards and reproducible documents:
- more than 100 mental arithmetic cards
- more than 150 task cards
- more than 80 Logic+ cards
- Solve+ activities for most of the 28 workbook sections
- supplementary "I Use Reasoning" activities for each theme
- extra hands-on activities and games
- 28 reinforcement activities and over 20 enrichment activities
- competency evaluation rubrics
- 8 monthly evaluations, 3 term evaluations and 1 mid-year evaluation
- a bank of more than 220 interactive exercises for students to do independently or as a class activity (also in the student section)
The student section includes the following:
- a fully interactive workbook in which students can enter their answers directly
- interactive games to reactivate students' prior knowledge at the beginning of each theme
- access to the Interactive Exercises
TEACHER Digital Package can also be purchased separately.
Book Information
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