Decimal 2nd edition - Grade 5

Answer Key A/B with Reference Book and Digital Didactic Set - Teacher (36-month)
Auteur(s) Annie Leblanc (v.a.), Catherine Lincourt (v.a.), Nathalie Fortier (v.a.)

  Planning charts, answer keys and lots of practical resources! This product includes the following components:  Workbook A Answer Key  Workbook B Answer Key  Decimal Reference Book  six I Solve a Problem activities (in separate booklets)  TEACHER Digital Set (36-month access)  The TEACHER digital set includes the following:  clear and concise planning charts covering each section of the workbooks, with teacher’s notes and lists of materials and complementary activities  charts for guiding and evaluating students’ work in the I Solve a Problem activities  optimized versions of the workbooks for projection on a classroom screen, with the possibility of showing one answer at a time and with access to an audio recordings of mental math quizzes   all the reproducible handouts and tests  Arithmetic Champ handouts (mental math)  Activities and Games  Tools (support for certain activities, e.
ISBN13 9782766154487
229,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Planning charts, answer keys and lots of practical resources!

This product includes the following components: 

  • Workbook A Answer Key 
  • Workbook B Answer Key 
  • Decimal Reference Book 
  • six I Solve a Problem activities (in separate booklets) 
  • TEACHER Digital Set (36-month access) 

The TEACHER digital set includes the following: 

  • clear and concise planning charts covering each section of the workbooks, with teacher’s notes and lists of materials and complementary activities 
  • charts for guiding and evaluating students’ work in the I Solve a Problem activities 
  • optimized versions of the workbooks for projection on a classroom screen, with the possibility of showing one answer at a time and with access to an audio recordings of mental math quizzes  
  • all the reproducible handouts and tests 
    • Arithmetic Champ handouts (mental math) 
    • Activities and Games 
    • Tools (support for certain activities, e.g., place value charts, number lines, conversion tables) 
    • Reinforcement handouts 
    • Solve + activities 
    • Math Workout quizzes 
    • 90 Logical Task cards, covering six categories of short, amusing challenges 
    • six Number Fit handouts (one per theme) presenting a challenge to find a small number of answers that meet as many conditions as possible (The conditions are related to the theme concepts.) 
    • six Math Boost handouts (one per theme) to offer support to students having difficulty with specific concepts 
    • six theme evaluations (each including four I Use Reasoning tasks) 
    • one mid-year evaluation and one year-end evaluation (each including four I Use Reasoning tasks and one I Solve a Problem task in a reproducible booklet) 
  • a bank of interactive exercises for students to do independently or as a class activity (also in the student section) 

The student section includes the following: 

  • an interactive workbook in which students can enter their answers directly 
  • access to the interactive exercises

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