Waypoints Updated - Grade 4

Answer Key with Digital Set - Teacher (36-month)
Auteur(s) Eve Bernier Cormier

This product includes: Answer Key TEACHER Digital Components - 36-Month i+ Interactive: digital resources for more diversified teaching and more active learning!   Access the entire workbook in our simple and user-friendly platform i+ Interactive and show it on a classroom screen.
ISBN13 9782766152339
154,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

Toute commande doit être acheminée par écrit au service à la clientèle à commandes@erpi.com ou en remplissant notre formulaire en ligne.


This product includes:
  • Answer Key
  • TEACHER Digital Components - 36-Month

i+ Interactive: digital resources for more diversified teaching and more active learning! 

Access the entire workbook in our simple and user-friendly platform i+ Interactive and show it on a classroom screen. 

You can access i+ Interactive on an IWB, a computer or a tablet, at school or at home. 

The Answer Key comes in the same format as the student workbook but includes the answers to the activities.

TEACHER Digital Components can also be purchased separately.  


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