Worlds - Secondary 1

Workbook with Digital Components - Student (12-month)
Auteur(s) Nancy Cowan, Patricia Dumont, Nadia Fournier, D. Trottier

Cover all the essentials of the Secondary 1 Science and Technology program with concise materials built around the Progression of Learning: Worlds 1 focuses on key concepts, presenting them through straightforward texts and detailed diagrams, with a variety of activities for students to put theory into practice.
ISBN13 9782766156023
28,50 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Cover all the essentials of the Secondary 1 Science and Technology program with concise materials built around the Progression of Learning: Worlds 1 focuses on key concepts, presenting them through straightforward texts and detailed diagrams, with a variety of activities for students to put theory into practice.

Clear concise content

  • Materials organized by themes:
    • Material World
    • Living World
    • Earth and Space
    • Technological World
  • Each topic or concept is explained in straightforward terms, with supporting diagrams and accompanied by photos, illustrations, charts and sidebars.
  • Definitions and theoretical explanations are highlighted in boxes to make it easier for students to find and understand the content.
  • Short features on related historical facts or intriguing questions add depth and interest to the content.
  • Tool Box section describes tools, instruments and techniques for labs and workshops.
  • Glossary doubles as an index?definitions of terms are followed by the page numbers where the terms are found.

Stimulating activities A variety of activities helps students to understand concepts presented in each section. Review activities cover material from entire chapters.

Interactive Activities* to help students review The workbook comes with a bank of interactive activities. 

*A teacher digital set is required for students to access interactive activities.

Translation of Univers - L'essentiel series Cahier de savoirs et d'activités 1 .

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