LEAP 2B - Listening and Speaking

e-book + Online Practice (12 months)
Authors Dr. Ken Beatty, Julia Williams

Split Edition LEAP: Listening and Speaking is a four-level task-based series for students preparing for college or university studies in English. It encourages students to apply critical thinking skills as they engage in academic listening and speaking tasks across a range of disciplines.
ISBN13 9782761397346


Split Edition

LEAP: Listening and Speaking is a four-level task-based series for students preparing for college or university studies in English. It encourages students to apply critical thinking skills as they engage in academic listening and speaking tasks across a range of disciplines. Featuring text-based vocabulary and skills practice and a variety of structured speaking assignments, LEAP: Listening and Speaking offers students the skills they need to excel in the academic world. 

New to This Edition

  • Stronger focus on STEM and business topics exposes students to the types of academic topics and contexts they will be immersed in their degree programs.
  • Stronger focus on critical thinking: Each chapter now contains a Critical Thinking rubric, and each chapter ends with a Critical Connections task allowing students to build on what they have learned and applying it to new ideas.
  • Learning outcomes are based on the Global Scale of English (GSE), ensuring learning paths are logical and progressive
  • Listening comprehension activities (pre, during, and post) have been reworked to provide more structure and guidance. 

Other Highlights

  • Authentic listening texts and video clips feature a broad range of academic disciplines and genres to help students improve their listening skills.
  • Focus on listening, speaking, grammar, and academic survival skills allows students to develop the competencies required to communicate effectively in an academic context.
  • Final assignments at the end of each chapter offer in-depth speaking tasks that synthesize the chapter contents and help develop advanced critical thinking skills.



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