My Resource Book - Grade 3
My Resource Book Cycle Two with Activity Pack 3
Perfect companion for any curriculumMy Resource Book Cycle Two
is a 42-page resource book that includes a picture dictionary, functional language, strategies, grammar and texts. It includes
a picture dictionary with 403 illustrated words organized in 27 themes;
functional language: In the Classroom, Conversations, Asking for Help, Permissions, Working with a Partner;
6 oral interaction (C1) strategies;
grammar: word order, plurals, articles, simple present tense, present progressive tense, questions and punctuation;
6 authentic songs and 2 authentic poems;
and a glossary of vocabulary.
Perfect companion for any curriculum
My Resource Book Cycle Two is a 42-page resource book that includes a picture dictionary, functional language, strategies, grammar and texts.
It includes
- a picture dictionary with 403 illustrated words organized in 27 themes;
- functional language: In the Classroom, Conversations, Asking for Help, Permissions, Working with a Partner;
- 6 oral interaction (C1) strategies;
- grammar: word order, plurals, articles, simple present tense, present progressive tense, questions and punctuation;
- 6 authentic songs and 2 authentic poems;
- and a glossary of vocabulary.
Activity Pack 3 is an 18-page black and white activity pack that includes 39 activities to help students reinvest vocabulary, functional language, grammar and texts from the resource book.
It includes
- 19 activities to reinvest vocabulary from the picture dictionary;
- 3 activities to practise functional language;
- 12 grammar activities;
- and 5 activities linked to the texts.
Book Information
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