Centre Stage - Secondary 2

Activity Book
Auteur(s) Gillian Baxter, Jonathan Munro Jones

Express yourself with Centre Stage! Centre Stage Activity Book 2 provides a variety of exercises and activities. It can be used for homework or self-study.   Audio CD with authentic conversations, stories and poems presents new language and vocabulary in context.
ISBN13 9782761317474
23,50 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Express yourself with Centre Stage!

Centre Stage Activity Book 2 provides a variety of exercises and activities. It can be used for homework or self-study.


  • Audio CD with authentic conversations, stories and poems presents new language and vocabulary in context.
  • A wide array of activities help reinforce reading and writing and build vocabulary and grammar.
  • Self-assessment exercises encourage students to monitor their own progress.
  • A grammar and vocabulary reference section provides additional support to the students.

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