Raising the Bar 5 - Express - Secondary 5

Activity Book with Digital Components (12-month)
Auteur(s) Sonia Egron, Cara Webb

Raising the Bar 5 Express : the answer for your advanced students! Includes: Student - Digital version of the Activity Book (12 months) Student - Interactive activities* (12 months) *A teacher digital set is required for students to access interactive activities.
ISBN13 9782766155514
18,50 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Raising the Bar 5 Express : the answer for your advanced students!

  • Student - Digital version of the Activity Book (12 months)
  • Student - Interactive activities* (12 months)

*A teacher digital set is required for students to access interactive activities.

Digital components that offer students even more interactivity!

The digital set for students comes with the print Activity Book and includes

  • the digital version of the Activity Book
  • audio and video clips
  • Interactive activities
  • teaching demos on how to deconstruct a feature article 

Challenge your Secondary 5 advanced students with Raising the Bar 5 Express, which offers inspiring content in a compact format so you still have time to use your own materials.

Raising the Bar 5 Express goes beyond regular content by challenging students to apply critical thinking skills and to understand abstract ideas and complex issues.

As students do activities and tasks, they develop speaking and writing fluency by

  • increasing their grammatical accuracy;
  • using richer and more idiomatic vocabulary.

They use critical thinking while

  • synthesizing information from several texts;
  • deconstructing different types of texts, including essays, a short story and a feature article. 
Based on the MEES Program and the Progression of Learning

All activities and tasks are designed to develop key competencies and skills as specified in the EESL program and to help students with grammatical accuracy, idiomatic vocabulary, synthesizing texts, deconstructing feature articles and more. 

Engaging themes 

High-interest themes, such as Gothic Horror and Utopia, motivate both male and female students and provide a great springboard for discussions.

Topics and texts that develop critical thinking

The Synthesis section and deconstruction tasks encourage students to think critically about reading/listening/watching texts and to apply critical thinking in their final writing task. 

Renseignements sur l'ouvrage

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