Time and Place - Secondary 2

Answer Key with Digital Set - Teacher (36-month)
Auteur(s) Catherine Boisvert, Cécile Poulou-Gallet, Jessie Riendeau

A long-term digital resourceWith the Teacher digital version of the workbook 2, you can project the Workbook and Answer Key in their entirety; personalize your lessons by adding notes to your Workbook or arranging the pages according to your lesson plans; have direct access to suggested videos and websites from page to page; display all activity-related handouts with a single click.
ISBN13 9782766152292
209,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

Toute commande doit être acheminée par écrit au service à la clientèle à commandes@erpi.com ou en remplissant notre formulaire en ligne.


A long-term digital resource

With the Teacher digital version of the workbook 2, you can

  • project the Workbook and Answer Key in their entirety;
  • personalize your lessons by adding notes to your Workbook or arranging the pages according to your lesson plans;
  • have direct access to suggested videos and websites from page to page;
  • display all activity-related handouts with a single click.

The Teacher digital version of the workbook 2 also includes

  • 75 pages of content and activities on destinations elsewhere;
  • a dozen information capsules offering a closer look at the territories;
  • links to websites and videos conveniently located within the text;
  • 10 blank maps;
  • 5 additional evaluations;
  • rubric outlining the correlation with the Progression of Learning in Secondary School Geography.

The Teacher digital version of the workbook features easy access and compatibility with all platforms, including

  • Laptops (PC or Mac);
  • Computers connected to multimedia projectors;
  • IWBs (SMART Board, ActivBoard);
  • iPad;
  • Android tablets (e.g., Samsung Galaxy).

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