Time and Place - Secondary 1

Workbook with Mini-Atlas and Digital Components - Student (12-month)
Auteur(s) Catherine Boisvert, Cécile Poulou-Gallet, Jessie Riendeau

Rich in content, with dynamic digital benefits This product includes Workbook 1, the Mini Atlas and STUDENT - eText 1 (12-Month Subscription) . WORKBOOK 1 Review of Basic Knowledge Workbook 1 starts with an introductory chapter that reviews basic knowledge.
ISBN13 9782761357968
26,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Rich in content, with dynamic digital benefits

This product includes Workbook 1, the Mini Atlas and STUDENT - eText 1 (12-Month Subscription) .


Review of Basic Knowledge

Workbook 1 starts with an introductory chapter that reviews basic knowledge. This acts as a refresher course, helping students recall prior knowledge at the beginning of the year: types of maps, time zones, geographical coordinates and cardinal points, solar system, seasonal cycles, etc.

The Accent Is on Physical Geography

Time and Place gives special importance to physical geography in its presentation of content and choice of activities. This subject captures students' interest and helps them understand the more complex issues presented in the program.

All of the Core Content

The Workbook covers all content relative to required territories. Territories of Canada are specifically covered in Secondary 1. The Around the World sections give students a glimpse into issues elsewhere in the world, which can be further developed by accessing the eText.

Numerous Exercises and Activities

The Workbook contains numerous exercise and activity segments that require precise answers: true or false, finding the element that doesn't belong, filling in a blank map, labelling a diagram, etc. These help students check their knowledge and test their skills. Each project ends with a summary activity.

Abundant and Stunning Illustrations

With more than 150 large maps and visual documents, Time and Place offers students incredible visual support to help them fully understand concepts and hold their interest.

The Toolbox: A Practical Reference

Presented at the end of the workbook, the Toolbox provides concrete and practical information on the techniques and concepts that are specific to geography. References integrated throughout the activities make consulting the Toolbox easier.

A Stand-Alone and Free Mini Atlas

Throughout the school year, students can consult the Mini Atlas that accompanies the workbook. This easy-to-consult, three-hole booklet contains over 20 physical and political maps.

Note: Time and Place is a translation of Espace Temps.

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