Observatory - Secondary 4

Answer Key - 2nd edition with Digital Set - Teacher (36-month)
Auteur(s) Marie-Danielle Cyr, Jean-Sébastien Verreault

  Simplify your science teaching with a complete answer key In the teacher's version of the Observatory 4 Activity Book , you don't have to "show your work. " It's already done for you! The answer key provides answers to all the questions, including sample answers for open-ended questions and detailed calculations wherever they're required of students.
ISBN13 9782766152070
220,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Simplify your science teaching with a complete answer key

In the teacher's version of the Observatory 4 Activity Book , you don't have to "show your work." It's already done for you! The answer key provides answers to all the questions, including sample answers for open-ended questions and detailed calculations wherever they're required of students. Get a complete answer key so you can concentrate on showing students how to find the answers! 

Complete answers for every type of question

The answer key is an integral copy of the student activity book, with all the answers provided. Complete calculations are shown for problem solving, sample answers are suggested for open-ended questions, and multiple correct options are given where appropriate.

Save time by getting all the answers ahead!

Updated materials to prepare your students for exams and beyond

Get your students ready for ministry exams and further studies in science! With their brand-new materials and updated technology, the Observatory 4 digital components for teachers are an offer you won't want to pass up. The digital version of the Activity Book gives you a great presentation tool as well as access to lots of reproducibles. And your access to online Interactive Activities lets you check in on your students and see how they're progressing.

Compelling classroom presentations

The digital version of the Activity Book  is an integral digital version of the activity book which you can project on any classroom screen for explanations and correcting in class. On the first page of each chapter, you can also click to see the corresponding chapter of the textbook. Put a page up on the screen to review a concept, explain a formula or solve a sample problem!

Easy access to a full range of helpful handouts

Open the digital version of the Activity Book table of contents, and you are just a click away from concept review handouts, chapter summaries, science labs and tech labs! Most of the reproducibles of the original Observatory 4 series are conveniently gathered in one place.

Interactive Activities

The Interactive Activities are an online learning environment where students do activities to supplement their work in the activity book. 

The digital version of the Activity Book and the Interactive Activities can be accessed with any computer or tablet with an Internet connection, at home or at school. 


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