Observatory - Student Book 4

Auteur(s) Marie-Danielle Cyr, Dominique Forget, Jean-Sébastien Verreault

A scientific look at the environmentObservatory is designed to meet the goals of the MELS educational renewal. The materials cover the competencies and concepts of the Science and Technology (ST) and Applied Science and Technology (AST) programs for Secondary Cycle Two as well as the Environmental Science and Technology (EST) and Science and the Environment (SE) programs for the second year of the cycle.
ISBN13 9782766112418
101,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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A scientific look at the environment

Observatory is designed to meet the goals of the MELS educational renewal. The materials cover the competencies and concepts of the Science and Technology (ST) and Applied Science and Technology (AST) programs for Secondary Cycle Two as well as the Environmental Science and Technology (EST) and Science and the Environment (SE) programs for the second year of the cycle.

Observatory is rich in thought-provoking learning situations, informative texts and stimulating activities, which will broaden students' knowledge of science and technology. By providing meaningful contexts for their learning, Observatory encourages students to become independent thinkers, able to apply their scientific and technological competencies in today's world.

A Multitude of Features

Covering the broad theme of the environment, the Student Book is divided according to the four areas ? the material world, the living world, the Earth and space, and the technological world ? so that students can easily find the information they need to do the learning activities. Recurring chapter features offer additional information and concrete explanations, such as: 

  • little-known or surprising facts
  • contributions of scientists and technologists, past and present
  • summaries of articles that have made the news
  • texts connecting chapter content to the unifying themes of the programs

Essential information on the prescribed environmental issues appears at the end of the book, while specific facts and examples related to the issues are described in a recurring chapter feature. 

FREE! With each purchase of the Observatory: The Environment Student Book, get a free copy of Toolbox , a complete guide to the materials and techniques used in labs and workshops, including detailed procedures and photos of all the basic equipment.  

Observe the environment on the pages of a unique work of reference! 

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