Observatory - Secondary 4

Activity Book - 2nd edition with Digital Components - Student (12-month)
Auteur(s) Marie-Danielle Cyr, Jean-Sébastien Verreault

A fresh look at science and the environment. Update your science and technology class with new materials for Observatory 4: The Environment ! The activity book has been completely reworked to give students all the practice they need and to reflect the priorities of the Progression of Learning.
ISBN13 9782766155620
27,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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A fresh look at science and the environment.

Update your science and technology class with new materials for Observatory 4: The Environment ! The activity book has been completely reworked to give students all the practice they need and to reflect the priorities of the Progression of Learning. Attractive chapter openers and occasional short texts present fascinating science facts - and the rest is practice! 

Learning through practice

The activity book contains hundreds of pages of increasingly complex exercises that guide students from understanding basic concepts to applying them in challenging questions and problems. A consolidation section at the end of each chapter provides a thorough review. And there's more! Students can also go online to do additional exercises for each chapter.

Alignment with both the POL and the Observatory 4 textbook

The activity book follows the textbook structure teachers already know well, but the exercises provide additional focus on Progression of Learning concepts so students are well-prepared for the ministry exam. All-new material in the appendices covers technology concepts and techniques emphasized in the POL.

Activities for ST and EST students

Most of the activity book is dedicated to developing science and technology competencies and learning concepts of the basic ST program. Questions that address specific concepts of the Environmental Science and Technology (EST) program are clearly marked with a symbol in the margin.

Online learning environment

With Interactive Activities, students gain access to a motivating environment where they can consolidate their learning with supplementary activities for each of the book chapters. The Documents section contains PDF versions of the textbook chapters so students can refer to them as they practise. Perfect for homework!

Bring your students up to date with the new edition of the Observatory 4 Activity Book !

Updated materials to prepare your students for exams and beyond

Get your students ready for ministry exams and further studies in science! With their brand-new materials and updated technology, the Observatory 4 digital components for teachers are an offer you won't want to pass up. The digital version of the Activity Book gives you a great presentation tool as well as access to lots of reproducibles. And your access to online exercises lets you check in on your students and see how they're progressing.

Compelling classroom presentations

The digital version of the Activity Book  is an integral digital version of the activity book which you can project on any classroom screen for explanations and correcting in class. On the first page of each chapter, you can also click to see the corresponding chapter of the textbook. Put a page up on the screen to review a concept, explain a formula or solve a sample problem!

Easy access to a full range of helpful handouts

Open the digital version of the Activity Book table of contents, and you are just a click away from concept review handouts, chapter summaries, science labs and tech labs! Most of the reproducibles of the original Observatory 4 series are conveniently gathered in one place.

Interactive Activities

The Interactive Activities are an online learning environment where students do activities to supplement their work in the activity book*. 

*A teacher digital set is required for students to access interactive activities.


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