Finishing Touch - Secondary 5

Digital Set - Teacher (12-month)
Auteur(s) Philippa Parks, Cara Webb

IT'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR THEIR SUCCESS! The digital version of the Student Book is an interactive and projectable version of the four-skills Finishing Touch textbook accessible online anytime, anywhere. The digital version of the Student Book provides a wide array of functionalities that allow both teachers and students to highlight, annotate, zoom, bookmark a page, search for content, modify text font, access handouts, audio and video.
ISBN13 9782761338264
79,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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The digital version of the Student Book is an interactive and projectable version of the four-skills Finishing Touch textbook accessible online anytime, anywhere. The digital version of the Student Book provides a wide array of functionalities that allow both teachers and students to highlight, annotate, zoom, bookmark a page, search for content, modify text font, access handouts, audio and video.

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