Finishing Touch - Secondary 5

Activity Book
Auteur(s) Philippa Parks, Cara Webb

IT'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR THEIR SUCCESS! Finishing Touch is an English as a Second Language textbook collection designed to meet the ministry requirements for the Third Year of Secondary Cycle Two. Finishing Touch provides all the material necessary to ensure success for students in their final year of high school.
ISBN13 9782761327503
20,95 $

*Notez que cet ouvrage pédagogique s’adresse uniquement aux spécialistes de l’enseignement.

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Finishing Touch is an English as a Second Language textbook collection designed to meet the ministry requirements for the Third Year of Secondary Cycle Two. Finishing Touch provides all the material necessary to ensure success for students in their final year of high school. It also offers a structured yet flexible approach that teachers can easily adapt to suit their own needs.

Finishing Touch has a fresh approach that makes learning English relevant for Secondary 5 students. It offers practical and dynamic themes, such as Becoming Independent, Work Your Passion and Internet Privacy, that provide opportunities for meaningful interaction.

The Activity Book is divided into 8 units featuring

  • exercises on grammar points related to Errors in Context from the Student Book;
  • one reading comprehension text per unit;
  • one writing activity related to the Writer's Block from the Student Book;
  • one vocabulary building activity with a selection of phrasal verbs related to the unit.

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